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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Body Changes During Pregnacy!!!

Why do I feel so tired?

Feeling very tired is one of the most common symptoms of early pregnancy. Your body is working hard to adjust to being pregnant. This can cause extreme fatigue. You may need to sleep longer than usual at night and take short naps during the day, if possible. Your energy will most likely return in the second trimester of pregnancy.

What is morning sickness?

Mourning sickness is the nausea and vomiting that many pregnant women experience during the first few months of pregnancy. Morning sickness is caused by pregnancy hormones and can strike anytime, not just morning. Certain foods or odors might make you feel sick and sometimes vomit. Some women seem to feel sicker when their stomachs are empty.

Morning sickness usually starts a few days after you miss your period or have a positive pregnancy test. It usually goes away by the second trimester.

Other changes in the first trimester

Frequent urination. Towards the end of the first trimester, you'll feel like urinating more often as your growing uterus pushes on your bladder. You may leak a little urine when you cough or sneeze because of the extra pressure on your bladder.

A growing belly. Your waistline will begin to expand as your baby and your uterus grow larger. (Depending on your size before pregnancy, you may not notice this change until the second trimester.)

Emotional symptoms. You might feel moody, forgetful or unable to concentrate. These symptoms can be caused by fatigue, pregnancy hormones, and the emotions that can go along with being pregnant.

Lightheadedness. Your body is working overtime to make extra blood to support your growing baby. This can cause you to feel dizzy or lightheaded. Hunger, fatigue or stress can also cause these symptoms. If your dizziness is severe and you also have vaginal bleeding or abdominal pain, seek care immediately. You could have a life-threatening ectopic pregnacy, in which the fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus.(which is pretty cool)

Heartburn. Pregnancy hormones slow down the digestive process in order to give your body more time to absorb nutrients. Your digestive tract is relaxed and food stays in your stomach longer, which may cause heartburn.(I hated having heartburn all you can take when pregnant is tums.)

Constipation. Slower digestion can also cause constipation, gas and bloating. You should be taking a prenatal vitamin that contains iron. The iron in the vitamin can also lead to constipation. Your doctor may suggest taking fiber supplements or a stool softener to help with constipation. If you have severe problems, tell your doctor. He or she may want you to take a different prenatal vitamin.

Visible veins. The blue veins in your belly, breasts and legs may become more noticeable as your body makes extra blood and your heart pumps quicker to meet the needs of pregnancy. You may develop spider veins—tiny blood vessels radiating out from a central area, like the legs of a spider—on your face, neck or arms.

Skin changes. Other people may notice your "pregnancy glow," which is the rosy, shiny look your skin gets from increased blood circulation. Pregnancy hormones can cause some extra oil on your skin, which might spark a temporary flare-up of acne. (Hope for the best some people get a pretty glow and some people heave bad luck and get ugly acne on our faces.)

Breast changes. Many women notice changes in their breasts early in pregnancy. The hormones in your body are changing to prepare for breastfeeding. As these changes occur, your breasts may feel tender and swollen. You might also notice some small bumps forming in the area around your nipples. Your breasts will continue to grow and change throughout your pregnancy, and may feel even bigger and fuller later in pregnancy.(you can also get stretch marks above your breasts some of us is fortunate some of us aren't)

Vaginal changes. The lining of your vagina will become thicker and less sensitive. You may notice a thin, whitish discharge, which is normal during pregnancy. Mild vaginal bleeding (“spotting”) is also common and normal. However, you should call your doctor if you have any vaginal bleeding. If the bleeding is severe or painful, go to the emergency room.(It can be scary at times but it's not as bad trust me,I went through it all.)

week 2 of pregnacy!

Your uterine lining is thickening, and ovulation is getting ready to occur. Some women will actually feel ovulation, with a one sided pain called mittleschmerz (literally meaning middle pain). Getting to know your family's medical history is very important. About 75% of complications with pregnancy and birth can be identified at the first visit. Also learn more about getting pregnant and preconceptional health.

Body changes

Your Pregnancy: Week 1
This week's period may be the last one you have for a good long while. Enjoy it! OK, maybe not enjoy it, but at least appreciate the fact that if it weren't for that egg-dropping, uterine-thickening, blood-shedding cycle you love to loathe every month, you wouldn't be able to grow the baby you're hoping to conceive! Yes, for once you can consider Aunt Flo a friend of yours.

Wondering what else is up this week with your body and that baby you're trying to make? Read on …

What You're Thinking:
"Goodbye menstrual cramps, period panties and chocolate cravings! Hello pregnancy cramps, bigger size panties and even bigger chocolate cravings!"

Your Body
For the first two weeks of your pregnancy, you won't actually be pregnant. Yep, you heard that right. When your doctor or midwife calculates your due date, she will count 40 weeks from the first day of your last period, not from the day the baby was actually made (usually around Day 14).

While you're on your period, the uterus is shedding its lining and an egg (the egg!) is preparing to launch into your fallopian tube, hoping to hook up with one lucky, fast-swimming sperm.

If you're planning on getting pregnant, now would be a good time to put the kibosh on all those bad habits like smoking, drug use and drinking. You'll also want to start taking a prenatal vitamin with folic acid—a B vitamin that prevents brain and neural-tube birth defects. It works best if you take it before you conceive and in the early days of pregnancy, although you'll want to continue until Junior makes his debut in nine months (and beyond if you're breastfeeding).p.s.(breast feeding is best for your baby!!!)

Your Baby
While this is technically considered the first week of your pregnancy, baby is still only a glimmer in your eye (and an egg in your ovary). The first day of your period is considered Day 1 of the 280 days of your pregnancy even though conception won't occur for another 14 days or so (we know, it's totally confusing).